Monday, March 28, 2005

Mixed: Toxic Swamp

Toxic Swamp

Judges Version
Problem Source: Spirit of Chicago

This is a hands-on problem. You have one minute to determine which team members will solve the problem.

JUDGE READS TO TEAM (after participants are determined):

You will have 7 minutes to complete this problem. You may talk or ask questions at any time; however, time continues. At the end of 7 minutes, you will be scored.

In front of you is a toxic swamp that you must cross. Touching the swamp results in immediate death. Fortunately, you have a pair of "invisible magic shoes" that will protect you from the swamp. Your problem is to cross the swamp using the pair of "invisible magic shoes." The following rules apply:

  • There is only one pair of shoes.
  • Both shoes may be worn by only one person at a time.
  • A person may only wear the shoes for one trip in one direction across the Toxic Swamp.
  • The Magic Shoes may not be "Tossed" across the Toxic Swamp to another team member.

Score will be as follows:

  • 10 points for each person who crosses the swamp
  • 1-25 points for team work

Information for the Judges
Place two strips of tape (3 feet long each) twenty feet apart. Team members must start off behind one of the strips of tape. Only the person with the magic shoes may be in the area between the tape.

Option: the entire team does not have to be behind the same line; they can split up and have members start from both lines.

Scoring Grid

Number of people who cross the swamp10
Team Work1 - 25


At 11:55 AM, Blogger Doris said...

Did you give your team any materials to solve the problem? If yes, what? I'm thinking 10' long rope/string, bucket, yard stick, sticky labels (for who can do a hands-on problem without sticky labels?) Please comment! You have some great problems. I was in a spontaneous problem rut and these have really helped.


At 6:07 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

I know a mind coach who trains the mind and emotions of most athletes.


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