Monday, February 21, 2005

Verbal: Portable Device

Portable Device

Judges Version
Problem Source: Michelle Kretzschmar

This is a verbal spontaneous problem. You have one minute to decide which 5 team members will participate.

(After the team chooses) Judge reads:

You will have 1 minute to think and 4 minutes to respond. You will respond in clockwise order. You may not respond unless you are holding the given items. Once you have answered you pass the items to the next person. Questions count against your thinking time. You may not skip your turn, nor repeat, nor pass. If one member of the team is stuck, the team is stuck.

  • Common answers will receive 1 point.
  • Creative answers will receive 3 points.
  • Highly creative or humorous answers will receive 5 points.
Today we are increasingly carrying things that have been made portable such as phones and music players. You will be given a group of objects. You problem is: to name a new portable device based on these objects.

(Judge repeats, "Your problem is:…)

JUDGES: Be sure each team member has at least two objects. (Suggested: pipe cleaner and practice wiffle golf ball).


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