Sunday, March 06, 2005

L-Coaching: Robert Alan Black's Creativity Challenges

Teaching creativity is tough. There are those who argue that it can't be done and those who participate in Odyssey of the Mind. Although, I must admit, at only one week away from competition I'm leaning toward the former. But when I do think creativity can be taught (usually around September), I always visit this site Robert Black has developed a list of Creativity Challenges. There are 52 for each year from 1997 to 2003. The challenges are intended for adults but most if not all can be easily adapted for kids. Many can also be used for spontaneous practice. Some of them have related activities for the entire work week. The site is a nice reminder that some people actually make a living on teaching creativity.


At 9:22 AM, Blogger RobertAlanBlackCre8NG! said...

Thank you using my Alan's Cre8ng Challenges in the Odyssey of the Mind program. I initially wrote the CCs in 1997 aimed at adults yet actually the greatest percentage of them can be used with any age. Some will require a little modification.

Now there are 52 per year from 97 to 2004 on my webstie and if you want the 2005 simply write to me...

At 8:29 AM, Blogger RobertAlanBlackCre8NG! said...

Follow up on my "Alan's Cre8ng Challenges"

The CCs from 97 to 2006 are now on my website for you to use personally and with your groups. Hope you find them very useful.


At 8:52 PM, Blogger RobertAlanBlackCre8NG! said...

I forgot my Alan's C,r,E,8,N,G! Challenges were promoted on this website.

I created and published them weekly from January 1997 to December 2014


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