Sunday, February 06, 2005

Mixed: Bugs at the Alamo

Bugs at the Alamo

Judges Version
Problem Source: Micelle Kretzschmar

This is a hand-on/verbal spontaneous problem. You have one minute to decide which 5 team members will participate.

(After the team chooses) Judge reads:

This is a two-part problem. In Part 1, you will have 6 minutes to develop your solution and practice. In Part 2, you will have 3 minutes to present your solution for score. You may talk or ask questions at any time; however, time continues.

Your problem is to create a scene of a group of bugs at the Alamo. You may present your scene in any way your group decides. You may not use any props in presenting your solution.

Score will be as follows:
  • 1 - 20 creativity of the scene
  • 1 - 20 effective portrayal of bugs
  • 1 - 25 points for teamwork

Scoring Grid

Creativity of the scene1 - 20
Effective Portrayal of Bugs1 - 20
Team Work1 - 25


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