Monday, January 31, 2005

HO: Roll-Under


Judges Version Problem
Source: Arizona State Odyssey of the Mind

This is a hands-on problem. You have one minute to determine which team members will solve the problem.

JUDGE READS TO TEAM (after participants are determined):

You will have 6 minutes to complete this problem. You may talk or ask questions at any time; however, time continues. At the end of 6 minutes, your solution will be scored.

Your problem is to build a tower that will support one or more golf balls. The tower must be tall enough to allow the tennis ball to roll freely underneath while it supports the golf balls.
You will be given materials to be used in your solution. No other materials may be used.

Score will be as follows:

  • 25 points for completing the tower (tower is tall enough for the tennis ball to roll under)
  • 5 points for each golf ball supported
  • 1-25 points for the creativity of the tower
  • 1-25 points for teamwork

Materials and Setup
Give each team the following materials.

  • 20 pieces of spaghetti
  • 20 marshmallows
  • 20 toothpicks
  • 4 computer/mailing labels
  • 5 golf balls
  • 1 tennis ball
  • plastic cup

Scoring Grid

Number of Golf Balls x 5
Completed tower 1 - 25
Creativity of tower 1 - 25
Team Work 1 - 25


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