Verbal: Advise Columbus
Judges Version
Problem Source: Arizona State Odyssey of the Mind
This is a verbal spontaneous problem. You have one minute to decide which 5 team members will participate.
(After the team chooses) Judge reads:
You will have 1 minute to think and 4 minutes to respond.
You will respond in counter-clockwise order. Before responding, you must pick up the ruler on the table in front of you and place it over your head. When you have given your response, set the ruler back down on the table. The next person may not pickup the ruler until you have returned it to the table. You may give responses until time ends. Questions count against your thinking time. You may not skip your turn, nor repeat, nor pass. If one member of the team is stuck, the team is stuck.
- Common answers will receive 1 point.
- Creative answers will receive 3 points.
- Highly creative or humorous answers will receive 5 points.
Your problem is: What advice would you give Christopher Columbus?
(Judge repeats, "Your problem is:…)