Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Verbal: Initials


Judges Version
Problem Source: Spirit of Chicago

This is a verbal spontaneous problem. You have one minute to decide which 5 team members will participate.

(After the team chooses) Judge reads:

You will have 1 minute to think and 4 minutes to respond. Each of you has 7 cards. After each response, you will place a card in the box. You will respond in sequence. You may give responses until you no longer have any cards or until time ends, whichever occurs first. Questions count against your thinking time. You may not skip your turn, nor repeat, nor pass. If one member of the team is stuck, the team is stuck.
  • Common answers will receive 1 point.
  • Creative answers will receive 3 points.
  • Highly creative or humorous answers will receive 5 points.

Your problem is: Give up to three initials and what they stand for. For example: OM stands for Odyssey of the Mind.

(Judge repeats, "Your problem is:…)

JUDGES: Be sure each team member has 7 cards. Provide a box or basket for the cards to be placed into after each response.

Monday, May 09, 2005

HO: Silent Selling

New Postage Stamp

Judges Version
Problem Source: Spirit of Chicago

This is a hands-on problem. You have one minute to determine which team members will solve the problem.

JUDGE READS TO TEAM (after participants are determined):

You will have 6 minutes to complete this problem. You may talk or ask questions at any time; however, time continues. At the end of 6 minutes, you will have 1 minute to present your solution.

Your problem is to design a product using the materials given and then sell your product to the judges without speaking. You will be given materials to be used in your solution. No other materials may be used. You may speak while designing your product. At the end of six minutes you will have one minute to sell your product without speaking.

Score will be as follows:
  • 1-25 points for the creativity of design
  • 1-25 points for the creativity of selling
  • 1-25 points for team work
Materials and Setup
Give each team the following materials.
  • 1 Rock
  • 1 Box
  • 3 Pieces of String
  • Crayons

Scoring Grid

Creativity of the design1 - 25
Creativity of the selling1 - 25
Team Work1 - 25